Monday, 14 March 2016


Churches Together in Lees and District.
AGM - Open meeting
Wednesday 16 March 2016 at 7.30pm Zion Methodist Church

1. Opening prayer and Welcome

2. Election of New Chair/Convenor and treasurer

3. Treasurers’ Report for 2015: Current balances
              Charities to support in year

4. Review of recent events: WWD of Prayer - Snowed off
             Ongoing Lenten course

5. Events coming up:
             25 March 12.30pm - Good Friday Witness at junction - St JB organising.
            16 April 3pm - Jane Dixon to be ordained at Salem
            15 May Noon - Whit Sunday - United service at St T
            18 June 7.30pm - "Remembering Lees at War - The Battle of the Somme"

6. Future public meeting Date in October to be agreed

7. Where do we go from here ?

8. AOB
             a. PRS licences

Friday, 4 March 2016

Day of Prayer

Today's "Women's World Day of Prayer" event has been cancelled.

Thursday, 18 February 2016